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Instrument valve status analysis
发布时间:2022-02-23        浏览次数:166        返回列表
Analysis of the current situation of China's instrument industry

Throughout the world's major industrial powers, the instrument manufacturing industry is relatively developed. How to develop the instrument industry is very important for China, which is on its way to becoming an industrial power.
According to the source of capital and technology, there are mainly two modes of developing the instrument industry in the world: one is domestic capital and technology, the other is foreign capital and technology. Industrial developed countries generally adopt the former model, while developing countries tend to adopt the second model due to conditions.
At present, the instrument industry is faced with the following situation: China's instrument industry is facing both opportunities and challenges under the severe situation of foreign investment and import surge. Chinese instrument enterprises are not limited to the development of medium and low grade products. The leading enterprises in the industry have been able to make breakthroughs and monopolize in some high-tech fields. On the one hand, give full play to the comparative advantages of the industry, consolidate and expand the position and achievements in the field of general products; on the other hand, make breakthroughs in the field of scientific instruments and test control and narrow the gap is the development path of domestic enterprises.
With the development trend of economic globalization, a new round of foreign investment into China's manufacturing industry is surging. This round will be characterized by the form of foreign sole proprietorship and state-owned holding, and will gradually enter the stage of acquisition of excellent Chinese enterprises. Due to the characteristics of "easy liquidity", urgent global market demand and "big gap", instrument industry is one of the hot industries for foreign investment to enter China's manufacturing industry. In the process of the globalization of the world instrument industry, for China's instrument industry, our view is: foreign investment is better than none; It is better to transfer to China than to other countries (regions).
To sum up, instrument and meter industry in China to break through the doors, instrument industry in the world, a long way to go, so to speak, we have to go the way of the sustainable development of the instrument industry, both, on the basis of low-standard products development, aiming at high-end instrumentation products development core, out of a conforms to the development of China's national conditions of China instrument and meter industry.

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